Best 5 Initiatives taken by Singra Municipality for city resilience

  1. City Public Transport & Ambulance Service by e-Vehicles (funded by TUMI-Giz)
Name of the Project Promoting e-Rickshaw as Public Transport & e-Ambulance for Emergency Health Support Service
Name of the Service Municipality Public Transport & Ambulance Service (“চলো”, Bangla for let’s go)
Project Background As a partner city of ICLEI South Asia, Singra Municipality participated at the TUMI Challenge 2018 which was a Global Competition under GIZ, Germany and the submitted project was selected among 130 proposals in the World. Thus Singra Municipality was awarded a grant to implement the project.
Problems that addressed The city of Singra itself lacks a proper public transportation system for trips within the city. People use rickshaws commonly for short distance, low cost and its availability. But 95% of these rickshaws have been converted to electric propulsion by setting up disposed motors of larger e-vehicles. The design of these originally pedal-driven rickshaws is not suitable for this conversion. There is no legal framework for operating electric rickshaws, and accidents involving injuries are all too common. These accidents are happening because of very fast riding and failure to control the high speed by the rickshaw pullers.

On the other hand, Singra did not have any ambulance to provide emergency health service system for the city people. Singra Govt. Health Complex has 2 Ambulances which is used only for long-distance transfer of patients to other hospitals out of Singra, e.g. to Rajshahi or Dhaka.

Project Duration September 2018 to December 2020 (16 months)
Total Grant Amount 113,303 Euro
Staff & Consultants 15619 Euro
Funded By Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), GIZ, Germany
Implemented by Singra Municipality, Bangladesh
Key elements of the Project ·         Garage + maintenance area

·         Charging station

·         Call centre

·         10 Electric passenger vehicles

·         2 Electric ambulances

·         Driver’s training (traffic safety, first aid)

·         Publications, citizen meetings, advertisement

Target Group City people of Singra Municipality
Targeted Benefits ·         Eco-friendly Public Transport System

·         Emergency Health Service

·         Pilot municipality-managed public transport delivery

·         24 hours Call Centre Service

·         Easy, Safe & Comfortable Travel

·         Research & Development on Electric Vehicle

·         Free Consultancy & Cooperation for new Entrepreneurs.

Name of the Vehicle Supplier Beevatech Limited

Prop: Md. Saidur Rahman, Badaldi, Bottola, Uttara, Dhaka.& Producer in China

Training Provider Road Safety Department, BRAC, Mohakhali, Dhaka

&First Aid Centre of Sweden, Uttara, Dhaka.

Project Links
Photos Attached as “TUMI-1st phase”


  1. Promoting e-Boat, Lithium Batteries and rooftop solar with net-meter system (funded by TUMI-EnDev, Giz)
Name of the Project Promoting e-Boat, Lithium Battery, and Install 15kw rooftop solar with net-meter system for improving TUMI 1st phase project.
Project Background The main goal of TUMI 1st phase project was to ensure an easy, safe & comfortable public transport service by an eco-friendly public transport system which to be operated by the city itself. The project started its final operation from December 2019 which had been playing a vital role in sustainable mobility in Singra. The public transport service and the emergency health service have been praised and recognized nationally & Globally. Also, it played very important role in response to the Covid-19. Singra used all the vehicles in multiple ways to protect the city people from the pandemic (e.g. Home delivery service of daily products to ensure social distancing, transportation for doctors & nurses, Delivery of free foods for low-income people etc.). These services were noticed and appreciated nationally & internationally. But, the entire service was damaged for financial losses, as no revenue came from the lockdown period. Singra applied for 2nd funding to GIZ-TUMI for mitigating the project services along with implementing some innovative ideas like Li-ion battery assembling locally, promoting green boats, installing rooftop solar with net metering etc. Considering the previous reputation of Singra and the real COVID situation, GIZ approved the proposal in March 2021 and signed the 2nd grant agreement for Singra Municipality.
Problems that addressed ·         The traditional acid batteries are harmful for human health and also its life span is too short.

·         There is no R&D on Lithium Batteries for EVs in Bangladesh

·         EVs cannot be considered green until its energy source will be clean.

·         There are hundreds of boat is running in Singra’s rivers & wetland in which all are operated by fuel. This is a big issue for the environment.

·         TUMI 1st phase project was need to be upgraded

Project Duration March 2021 to December 2021 (10 months)
Total Grant Amount 71,263 Euro
Staff & Consultants 13000 Euro
Funded By Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), and EnDev of GIZ, Germany
Implemented by Singra Municipality, Bangladesh
Key elements of the Project ·         Improvement of the existing garage

·         Promoting fiber e-boat with charging infrastructure

·         Establish a Lithium Battery Workshop

·         Assembling Lithium Batteries locally & install in the TUMI vehicles

·         Install 15kw mini solar grid with net-meter system

·         Supplying tools & equipments for the Battery Workshop

Target Group City people of Singra Municipality
Targeted Benefits ·         Ensure clean energy for the Public Transport System

·         Save the cost of operation

·         Piloting e-Boat as green transport

·         Research & Development of Lithium Battery Technology

·         Local assembling of Lithium Batteries.

·         Ensure sustainability of the total service

·         Employment Opportunities

Project Links
Photos Attached as “TUMI-2nd phase”


  1. Restoration of a polluted canal with its natural beauty and an attractive public place in Singra (funded by: ADP)
Name of the Project Regeneration and Beautification of Singra Municipal Canal
Project Background A number of water bodies are becoming increasingly polluted in Bangladesh because of lack of care, dumping of waste, limited awareness and illegal encroachment. Currently, the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) is taking many appreciable initiatives to regenerate the water bodies.

Singra Municipality, a secondary city of Bangladesh located in the north-western part of Rajshahi Division, and surrounded by 3 rivers (Atrai, Gur and Barnoi) and a part of historic Chalanbeel (largest wetland in the country). A 30-years old and 1.5km long canal, which is nearly dead, intersects from the middle of the city. The canal was used as a place of waste dumping rather than to get its natural benefits. Drains and outlets of latrines were connected to the canal which is creating harmful causes for the waterbody inhabitants and as well as health issues for the citizens. The illegal encroachment and filling up of lands by a group of people turned the canal into a dead place in recent times.

In 2014, the honorable State Minister of Information and Communication Technology Division, Mr. Advocate Zunaid Ahmed Palak (MP) has looked over the canal and planned to restore the canal with its natural beauty and solutions to make it an attractive public place. In this continuation, Singra Municipality started to work on it in 2016. It was planned to restore the full area of the canal with a nature based-solution i.e. creating microclimate for local species, promoting walkways and beautifications. However, with the limited funds e.g. BDT 100,000.00 from the Ministry of Local Governments, the Municipality started the works in 2016.

Project Duration 1st Phase: 2016-2017

2nd Phase: 2018-2019

3rd Phase: 2020-2021

Total Amount 140 Lakh
Funded By Annual Development Fund of Singra Municipality
Implemented by Singra Municipality, Bangladesh
Key elements of the Project ·         Regeneration & Restoration of the Canal

·         Side protection work

·         Construction of walk way

·         Tree Plantation

·         Installation of various lights

·         Installation fountain

·         Shops for street foods

Target Group City people of Singra Municipality
Targeted Benefits ·         Stop the environment pollution

·         Create a open public place for citizen

·         Recover the eco-system of the canal

·         Develop the standard of living

·         Building awareness on Environment

·         Replicable to other cities

·         Employment

Project Links
Photos Attached as “Singra Lake Development”


  1. Installing 621 Solar Street Lights in Singra (funded by: BCCT)
Name of the Project Installation Solar Street Lights in different roads in Singra Municipality
Project Objective ·         Promoting clean energy technology

·         Reduce emissions

·         Saving electricity bills

·         Ensure night time security for the city people

·         Awareness building on Climate Change

·         Replacing all the street lights into solar lights within 2025

Project Duration 1st Phase: 2016-2017

2nd Phase: 2018-2019

Total Grant Amount 1st Phase: 200 lakh

2nd phase: 200 lakh

Number of Lights 621 nos.
Funded By Bangladesh Climate Change Trust (BCCT)
Implemented by Singra Municipality, Bangladesh
Key elements of the Project ·         Solar panels

·         LED lights

·         In-build Lithium Batteries

·         Poles

Target Group City people of Singra Municipality
Targeted Benefits ·         Reducing carbon emissions

·         Improving standard of living of the citizen

·         A replicable climate action to other cities

·         Saving municipal revenue

·         Poverty reduction by improving small business

·         Building awareness on the changing climate

·         Reduce the pressure on national grid

·         Ensuring night time security for the citizen

Project Links



  1. Construction of Submersible road in the Cholonbeel (funded by: UIIP-II)
Name of the Project Construction of Submersible road at Singra Shoilmari to Ningoin Notun para in Singra Municipality.
Project Objective ·         Making road communication with a remote area of the city

·         Saving biodiversity of the wetland

·         Keeping boat moving option in the rainy season

·         Developing the peri-urban area

Project Duration 2020-2021
Total Grant Amount  100 Lakh
Road Length 450m
Funded By UIIP-II
Implemented by Singra Municipality, Bangladesh
Key elements of the Project ·         RCC Road,

·         Guide Wall

·         X-drain,

·         Palisading &

·         Beautification

Target Group City people of Singra Municipality
Targeted Benefits ·         The area will be connected with the main town

·         The wetland will not be affected through contracting the road

·         Standard of the life of people will be developed

·         The peri-urban area will be connected with the city

·         Ambulance will be moved within the remote area

·         Poverty reduction

·         Last mile connectivity



সিংড়া পৌরসভা,সিংড়া। অবকাঠামো ও রক্ষনাবেক্ষন (O&M)এর স্থির চিত্র ৬

সিংড়া পৌরসভা,সিংড়া। অবকাঠামো ও রক্ষনাবেক্ষন (O&M)এর স্থির চিত্র।সিংড়া পৌরসভা,সিংড়া। অবকাঠামো ও রক্ষনাবেক্ষন (O&M)এর স্থির চিত্র।সিংড়া পৌরসভা,সিংড়া। অবকাঠামো ও রক্ষনাবেক্ষন (O&M)এর স্থির চিত্র।সিংড়া পৌরসভা,সিংড়া। অবকাঠামো ও রক্ষনাবেক্ষন (O&M)এর স্থির চিত্র।সিংড়া পৌরসভা,সিংড়া।

বাকিটুকু দেখুন


অক্টোবর 2024
সোম বুধ বৃহ. শু. শনি রবি